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Mission Statement

Philadelphia International University is a student-centered community providing an academically challenging education that empowers men and women of diverse backgrounds to engage and transform the world with disciplined intelligence, compassion, courage and faith.


Philadelphia International University is student-centered. The university provides an environment for students to develop intellectually, spiritually, socially, and physically through experiences of learning and research, leading and serving, success and failure, and consideration and choice. Faculty, administration and staff commit themselves to guide and challenge students to develop their full potential in order to lead lives of meaning and purpose.


Philadelphia International University is a spiritual community. The university faculty, administration and staff uphold God, the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ as the measure of all things. Students encounter biblical values relevant to personal growth and spiritual maturity and are expected to commit themselves
to high moral standards.


Philadelphia International University is academically challenging. The university offers rigorous undergraduate and graduate programs emphasizing knowledge and discernment, intellectual discourse and debate, and humble engagement
of cultural and social perspectives within the framework of ethical and moral reflection. All learning contexts stress the skills and dispositions necessary for lifelong learning and the sustaining value of higher education in each person's professional and personal life.


Philadelphia International University welcomes men and women from diverse backgrounds. The university upholds the dignity of all and fosters an atmosphere of respect for the civil expression of divergent perspectives that enables students
to learn, to live, to work, and to fellowship together.


Philadelphia International University empowers students to engage and transform the world in the truth of God, the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. The university prepares students to use their intellectual skills, creativity, and faith to meet the challenges and opportunities that face the human community.


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